A Trusted, HUD-Certified, Housing Counseling Nonprofit Agency in Brooklyn, NY
Flatbush Office
2806 Church Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Canarsie Office
9701 Avenue L
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Coney Island Office
1923 Surf Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
NHS Brooklyn offers you the education, counseling, and financial support residents need to buy, repair, and keep a home. We also offer tenant services and referrals to other sources of assistance.
Buying a First Home
NHS Brooklyn will prepare you for the ongoing responsibilities of buying and maintaining a home, empower you to make smart decisions about your home finance options, and connect you to the most affordable mortgage products, including any downpayment and/or closing-cost assistance programs for which you may qualify.
Mortgage Help
If you are behind with your mortgage, it may not be too late to save your home. Our HUD-certified counselors can explain your options and work with your lender and servicer to make your mortgage payments more affordable, all for free. Referrals for free legal assistance are also available. NHS Brooklyn can also assist you with refinancing or a reverse mortgage.
Foreclosure Intervention
Are you behind paying your mortgage? Afraid the bank will foreclose (take your home)? In foreclosure? Not sure? Don’t suffer in silence or risk losing your home. Let NHS Brooklyn help!
We're a nonprofit listed as a trusted housing organization with the NYS Attorney General's office
Our housing counselors are HUD-certified and specially trained in foreclosure intervention
Our services are FREE OF CHARGE
Home Repair Assistance
If you are a homeowner or landlord in need of financing for repairs, NHS Brooklyn’s Loan Program can help. We offer low-interest loans to:​
Owner occupants of 1- to 4-unit homes
Owners of 5- to 20-unit residential properties
Owners of 5- to 20-unit mixed-use properties. ​
We also offer grants to qualified homeowners. Income eligibility and other terms apply.
Affordable Property Management Program
The NHS Brooklyn Property Management Program is designed to help small property owners of 1- to 4-unit buildings who are increasingly stressed during these tough times and are struggling to maintain their financial foothold due to COVID-19, or just don't have the time or interest in caring for their property and managing property-related income and expenses.
Home Maintenance Training
This program is on hold until 2023. We offer free fall and spring seminars on preparing your home for extreme weather as well as two levels of 7-week, hands-on classes in many aspects of home maintenance, so that you can care for your home and do some repairs and renovations yourself.
property & Flood Insurance
Our specialist will evaluate your property-, flood-, or renter's insurance policy and in a telephone counseling session, help you understand what you're paying for (and what you're not) and about how much your premium should be. No sales, just education. During COVID-19, we will give group presentations via webinar.
Landlord Training
NHS Brooklyn offers a Landlord Training course for current and future owners of 2- to 4-unit homes. This NYC-specific class meets the education requirements for most loans and grants. Our specialist will present NYC regulations, fair housing and lease rules, and multi-unit property insurance to you in a one-on-one counseling session. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required.
Tenant Services
NHS Brooklyn counsels clients and makes referrals with regard to:
Applying for affordable housing lotteries using Housing Connect NYC
Eviction proceedings
Tenant rights
Succession rights
Legal assistance
Resources to address arrears
Emergency Preparedness
NHS Brooklyn partners with government agencies, including the FDNY and NYC Emergency Management, to educate residents about preparing for natural and manmade hazards, disasters, and emergencies.
Financial Education
NHS Brooklyn helps low- and moderate-income residents achieve and maintain their financial security. We will assess your financial profile, provide support through financial education, and together develop a financial action plan. We will also direct you to valuable resources. Webinar and one-on-one counseling options are available.