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Overdue Property taxes? Don't lose your home! (Webinar Wed 10/14)

Each year, the NYC Department of Finance sells liens (debts) for unpaid property taxes to third parties. The third parties then impose high interest and fees against the liens. When homeowners cannot keep up with the bills, they lose the property to foreclosure.

If you have unpaid property taxes, don't risk losing your home!

Join trusted housing nonprofit NHS Brooklyn, legal nonprofit Brooklyn Legal Services Corp A, and the NYC Department of Finance for a free webinar on Thursday, October 14, from 6:00 to 7:30pm to learn your options to prevent the sale of a lien against your home. Other ways to avoid foreclosure will be discussed.

Property Tax Arrears? don't lose your home!

Thursday, October 14, 2021 6:00-7:30pm

Register here:



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