Did we miss you at our last webinar? Join us for info- and resource-packed webinars or contact us for counseling and resources!
Find the complete list of our
upcoming events here.
Financial Coaching & Credit Improvement Webinar
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Home Insurance: Know What It Buys, Don't Overpay!
Wednesday, February 1 | 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Tenant Rights: Eviction & Help with Back Rent
Wednesday, February 2 | 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Flood Insurance: Who Needs It Is Changing
Tuesday, February 7 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Mortgage Counseling, Resources & Financial Assistance
If you are in danger of losing your home to mortgage or property tax arrears or if you have questions about refinancing your home or considering a reverse mortgage, don't lose hope but don't go it alone, either!
Experienced, HUD-certified housing counselors at NHS Brooklyn can assist you. Avoid scams and learn about financial help for which you may be eligible.
Contact our office today with your mortgage questions by calling 718-469-4679.
Stay Safe from COVID-19!
Get Vaccinated & Boosted!
>Vaccines: Available at no cost to New Yorkers age 6 MONTHS and up. Boosters: Available at no cost to New Yorkers age 5 and up 60 days after receiving full series of vaccines or last booster OR 90 days since last tested positive.
> No insurance requirement or immigration questions
> Find a location and make an appointment: www.nyc.gov/vaccinefinder or call 877-VAX4NYC
> Pick up free at-home RAPID at-home tests at a public library or call 311.
>Find where to get a free PCR self-test at www.color.com
Feel sick? Get tested (even if you’re vaccinated!)
> Use an at-home test or find a test site at www.nyc.gov/covidtest (Call first & ask about fees. NYC government-run sites are free.)
> Was your at-home test positive? Call your doctor or, you may call 212-COVID-19, then press 9 to speak to doctor/nurse and, if needed, free medication will be delivered the same day. All at no cost!
Questions? Call 212-COVID-19
To learn about other NHS Brooklyn programs, services, and events, or to contact us, please visit www.nhsbrooklyn.org. To request housing counseling, please complete and submit this form.
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