Whether you’ve used NHS Brooklyn's services lately or not in a long time, we’d like you to be aware of events coming up for homeowners, tenants, and home buyers. Thank you in advance for sharing this email with family, friends, and co-workers!
For Home Buyers:
First-Time Home Buyer Seminar on Thurs., 12/6, from 6 to 8pm at the Central Library, 10 Grand Army Plaza. To RSVP, go to: https://bit.ly/2zjXQ6c
Landlord Training Course. NYC-specific. Morning and evening classes. $100 fee for non-property owners; $90 fee for current property owners. Enroll here: http://bit.ly/2nTw627
Financial Coaching & Credit Improvement Workshop. Thurs., 11/29, from 6-8pm. Free. RSVP here: https://bit.ly/2HHeCz2
For Tenants:
Applying for Affordable Housing Lotteries: Learn How! on Wed., 11/7, from 6-8pm. Coney Island YMCA. Free. RSVP here: https://bit.ly/2CA4KYi
Tenants: Know Your Rights Seminar on Thurs., 12/6 from 6-8pm. NHS Brooklyn’s East Flatbush Office. Free. RSVP here: https://bit.ly/2Q5jdi6
Tenant Support Walk-in Assistance Wed., 11/14 and Wed., 11/28 from 10:30am to 1:30pm. Office of Assemblywoman Diana Richardson. Free. Call 718-771-3105 to register.
For Homeowners:
Help for Homeowners Event on Wed., 11/14 , from 6 to 8pm at the Coney Island YMCA. To RSVP, go to: https://bit.ly/2q8X1Zw
Foreclosure Avoidance, Loan Modification, Refinancing & Reverse Mortgage Events. Multiple dates, times, and locations. Free. For more info and to RSVP, call 718-469-4679 or check here: www.nhsbrooklyn.org/upcoming-events/
Home Insurance Workshops. Find out if you’re under-insured or paying too much. Multiple dates, times, and locations. Free. For more info and to RSVP: https://www.nhsbrooklyn.org/home-flood-insurance
Landlord Training Course. NYC-specific. Morning and evening classes every month. $100 fee for non-property owners; $90 for current property owners. Enroll here: http://bit.ly/2nTw627
Home Repairs Grant. Up to $20,000 for home repairs if you meet eligibility requirements. For more info and to download an application, go to: https://www.nhsbrooklyn.org/repair-grants
For Everyone:
Financial Coaching & Credit Improvement Workshop. Thurs., 11/29, from 6-8pm. Free. RSVP here: https://bit.ly/2HHeCz2
Thank you. We look forward to welcoming you!

East Flatbush office: 2806 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226
Canarsie office: 9701 Avenue L, Brooklyn, NY 11236
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