Most homeowners have homeowner's insurance, but many don't understand what they're buying (and what they're not).
Let NHS Brooklyn analyze your homeowners insurance policy and (if you have one) your flood insurance policy at NO COST in a small-group setting with other homeowners.
If you're over-insured (and paying too much), we'll let you know, so you can go back to your insurance agent and request an adjustment.
If you're under-insured and facing a risk you may not want to take, we'll let you know that as well, so that you can decide how you'd like to proceed.

We'll also look up your address on the new FEMA flood maps and let you know if you need a flood insurance policy and, if you do, about how much it should cost you. If you have a policy, we'll explain that, too.
Finally, if you live in Canarsie, which was impacted by Superstorm Sandy in 2012 and is still rebuilding, you may be eligible for a free Home Resiliency Plan that includes a Home Elevation Certificate (a $1000 value).
Homeowners, coop owners, condo owners, and renters are all welcome.
To register for a workshop, choose the date that's most convenient to you in these locations:
If you'd like our insurance specialist to present at your meeting or to your group on these topics, please call us at 718-469-4679 and ask for Elizabeth Malone, Program Manager.